Guidelines for Papers

59th Croatian & 19th International Symposium on Agriculture
11th – 16th February 2024 - Hotel Lacroma **** Dubrovnik, Croatia

Submission of a paper to SA2024 implies that the results have not yet been published (other than in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, presentation or thesis), that the paper is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that publication has been approved by all co-authors.

The peer-reviewed papers can be published in the Proceedings or submitted for publication in Journal of Central European Agriculture (JCEA). If you wish to publish a paper in JCEA, to participate in SA2024 you need to submit a paper abstract according to the Guidelines for preparing abstracts and for the paper submission please follow the link ( The papers will be published in special issue of the journal, and the deadline for submission is 31st March 2024.

If you wish to publish a paper in the Proceedings, follow these guidelines.

Papers for the Symposium may be written in English or Croatian language. To enable a broader selection of reviewers, authors are encouraged to submit papers in English.

Authors are kindly asked to follow the technical instructions:

  • Paper length, including text, tables, graphs, figures and abstract should not exceed 7 pages. Plenary lectures should not be longer than 10 pages.
  • Margins 3.0 cm left, 2.5 cm top, bottom and right. Authors are advised to make the maximum of the offered 7 pages, which contributes to the quality of the paper and the Proceedings. Use single spacing and justified alignment. Left alignment should be applied for the title, list of authors and subtitles. Use a hanging indent (0.5 cm) for the list of references. The pages are not numbered.
  • The paper should be written in Microsoft Word for Windows, version 6.0 or later, in Times New Roman font, size 12 points. Titles should be written in bold lowercase letters, font size 14 points, authors (full names and surnames) in size 12 points, addresses in size 11 points italic, and subtitles in lowercase, bold, size 12 points. Use only empty lines for line spacing (font size 12 points): before subtitles, between title and list of authors, between authors' names and addresses, before table titles and after tables. The beginning of a section/paragraph in the text should not be tabbed; paragraphs should be separated using the enter key.
  • Papers should include the title, list of authors (in one line), authors' addresses (1 line for each address), abstract, keywords, introduction, material and methods, results and discussion, conclusions and references. Papers of Croatian authors written in the Croatian language should include the title, abstract and keywords in English.
  • Full names and surnames of authors are written without titles. If not all authors are from the same institution, this should be indicated by superscript letters. For the contact person only, E-mail address should be added to the full address. As the Symposium has an international character, names of countries should be added to the addresses.
  • Abstracts include the aim of the paper, the main research results and a brief conclusion. Authors are advised to keep their abstracts short (700 characters, including spaces). No more than five keywords should be given, separated by commas.
  • Tables (table width from left to right margins), graphs and photographs (black and white, with high resolution) must be incorporated into the text. Table numbers and titles should be written above the tables. Table contents should be separated by a minimum set of horizontal lines (0.5 points). Illustrations and graphs are also numbered, with numbers written below the graphs. To ensure reliable printing, graphs and illustrations should be submitted in one of the graphic or image formats (*.xls, *tif or *.jpg), exclusively in black and white.
  • References should contain only used literature, in alphabetical order.

Papers will be reviewed by two referees from relevant fields.

 Paper template

Papers not written according to the technical instruction will be returned to the authors.

Papers should be sent in electronic form as an attached file to the e-mail address:

Authors are asked to determine the section to which their paper belongs and name the word file with the section number and add the last name of the first author (eg 01Author). If one author participates with several papers, a number (01Author1, 01Author2) is added after the last name for each paper.

Please prepare the paper in the manner described in the guidelines, and send them by the scheduled deadline, otherwise, they will not be included in the program or in the Proceedings of the Symposium.

Positively reviewed papers will be published in the Proceedings if one registration fee has been paid per paper.


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